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State of Oklahoma Coloring Page Sheets

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Oklahoma coloring pages are a fun way to teach Pre-K through 3rd grade students history, geography and demographics, and for elementary students to learn about their own (and other) states.
  LIST of States  
Oklahoma state outline coloring page

Oklahoma state flag coloring page

Oklahoma State Stamp coloring page

OK - Oklahoma Coloring Pages

  • Oklahoma Postage Stamp Coloring Page - USPS State Stamp
  • Oklahoma State Quarter Coloring Page - 50 State Quarter
  • Oklahoma State Flag Coloring Page - State Flag to Color
  • Oklahoma Map 1 Coloring Page - State Demographic Map to Color
  • Oklahoma Map 2 Coloring Page - Easy State Shape Outline Map

  • Oklahoma is the 28th most populous and 20th-largest state. A major producer of natural gas, oil and agriculture, Oklahoma relies on an economic base of aviation, energy, telecommunications, and biotechnology.[5] It has one of the fastest growing economies in the nation, ranking among the top states in per capita income growth and gross domestic product growth. Oklahoma City and Tulsa serve as Oklahoma's primary economic anchors, with nearly 60 percent of Oklahomans living in their metropolitan statistical areas.

    The name Oklahoma comes from the Choctaw phrase okla humma, literally meaning red people. Choctaw Chief Allen Wright suggested the name in 1866 during treaty negotiations with the federal government regarding the use of Indian Territory, in which he envisioned an all-Indian state controlled by the United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Equivalent to the English word Indian, okla humma was a phrase in the Choctaw language used to describe the Native American race as a whole. Oklahoma later became the de facto name for Oklahoma Territory, and it was officially approved in 1890, two years after the area was opened to white settlers.

    Oklahoma is located in a temperate region and experiences occasional extremes of temperature and precipitation typical in a continental climate. Most of the state lies in an area known as Tornado Alley characterized by frequent interaction between cold and warm air masses producing severe weather.[20] An average 54 tornadoes strike the state per year-one of the highest rates in the world. Because of its position between zones of differing prevailing temperature and winds, weather patterns within the state can vary widely between relatively short distances

    Please note, we gladly accept submissions from state and local government agencies and departments (Department(s) of tourism, agriculture, etc.) for display of additional state coloring pages on our site. In addition we accept submissions from established and recognized industries, or local places of interest (cities, parks, attractions) that may make available quality content that is specific to a particular state. Contact us if you have the capability and authority to provide such content, we would be happy to promote your state, city, attraction, event, etc.!

            *** State information courtesy of Wikipedia ***



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