State of Nevada Coloring Page Sheets
The 50 States coloring pages
Nevada coloring pages are a fun way to teach Pre-K through 3rd grade students history, geography and demographics,
and for elementary students to learn about their own (and other) states.
LIST of States |
NV - Nevada Coloring Pages
Nevada Postage Stamp Coloring Page - USPS State Stamp
Nevada State Quarter Coloring Page - 50 State Quarter
Nevada State Flag Coloring Page - State Flag to Color
Nevada Map 1 Coloring Page - State Demographic Map to Color
Nevada Map 2 Coloring Page - Easy State Shape Outline Map
Nevada is a state located in the western region of the United States. The capital is Carson City and the largest city is Las Vegas.
The state's nickname is Silver State, due to the large number of silver deposits that were discovered and mined there. "Sagebrush State"
and "Battle Born State" are its alternative nicknames. In 1864, Nevada became the 36th state to enter the union, and the phrase "Battle Born"
on the state flag reflects the state's entry on the Union side during the American Civil War. Its first nonnative settlement was called
Mormon Station.
Nevada is the seventh-largest state in area, and geographically covers the Mojave Desert in the south to the Great Basin in the north.
It is the most arid state in the Union. Approximately 86% of the state's land is owned by the U.S federal government under various
jurisdictions both civilian and military.[4] As of 2008, there were about 2.6 million residents, with over 85% of the population residing
in the metropolitan areas of Las Vegas and Reno.
Please note, we gladly accept submissions from state and local government agencies and departments (Department(s) of tourism, agriculture, etc.)
for display of additional state coloring pages on our site. In addition we accept submissions from established and recognized industries, or local
places of interest (cities, parks, attractions) that may make available quality content that is specific to a particular state. Contact us if
you have the capability and authority to provide such content, we would be happy to promote your state, city, attraction, event, etc.!
*** State information courtesy of Wikipedia ***
