State of Arizona Coloring Pages
The Arizona State Quarter
The Arizona state quarter coloring page shows an image of the quarter issued in 2008 that representes the state of Arizona.
The images on the Arizona quarter feature the Grand Canyon and a Saguaro cactus. A banner reading "Grand Canyon State" separates the
Canyon from the cactus, which does not grow in the Grand Canyon. But the flower of the cactus is the state flower of Arizona.
The Grand Canyon joined the National Park system in 1919 and is visited by more than four million tourists a year. Covering more than 1
million acres in northwestern Arizona, the Canyon was sculpted by the mighty Colorado River. At its deepest point, the Canyon is 6,000
feet deep, and it gets as wide as 18 miles across, making it one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Several rare and threatened
plant and animal species live there.
