State of Utah Coloring Pages
The Utah State Quarter
The Utah state quarter coloring page shows an image of the quarter issued in 2007 that represents the state of Utah.
The last quarter released in 2007 honors Utah, the 45th state to join the United States.
Utah's quarter features two trains facing the golden spike that joined the tracks of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads in 1869
at Promontory, Utah. The state's population grew quickly after the railroad was built and the mining industry blossomed. Technological
changes like the railroad soon caused industry to replace farming as the base of Utah's economy.
The newly-laid track made it possible for people to cross the continent of North America by rail. This was the easiest and cheapest way to
travel in the days before cars and airplanes. Linking East to West by train changed both the Utah Territory and the rest of the nation forever,
and earned Utah the title "Crossroads of the West."
Utah's Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., announced the choice for the quarter design at the 137th anniversary of the Joining of the Rails at
Promontory on May 10, 2006.
